The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (“MedPAC”) met in Washington, DC, on December 7-8, 2017. The purpose of this and other public meetings of MedPAC is for the commissioners to review the issues and challenges facing the Medicare program and then make policy recommendations to Congress. MedPAC issues these recommendations in two annual reports, one in March and another in June. MedPAC’s meetings can provide valuable insight into the state of Medicare, the direction of the program moving forward, and the content of MedPAC’s next report to Congress.
As thought leaders ...
Our colleague Steven M. Swirsky at Epstein Becker Green has a post on the Management Memo blog that will be of interest to our readers: “NLRB Reverses Key Rulings: Returns to Pre-Obama Board Test for Deciding Joint-Employer Status and for Determining Whether Handbooks, Rules and Policies Violate the NLRA – Assessment of 2014 Expedited Election Rules and Future Changes Also Announced.”
Following is an excerpt:
It should come as no surprise that recent days have seen a stream of significant decisions and other actions from the National Labor Relations Board as Board Chairman ...
The state-action antitrust exemption grew out of the 1943 decision of Parker v. Brown, 317 U.S. 341 (1943), in which the Supreme Court explained that “nothing in the language of the Sherman Act or in its history suggests that its purpose was to restrain a state or its officers or agents from activities directed by its legislatures.” And, relying on principles of federalism, the Supreme Court gave deference to the state as a sovereign body.
Subsequent decisions expanded the reach of state-action to state and local governmental agencies (including counties and municipalities ...
The 21st Century Cures Act (“Cures Act”) was enacted in December of 2016. Among other things, the Cures Act includes provisions to encourage the interoperability of electronic health records. Specifically, the Cures Act provides for civil penalties for those who engage in “information blocking.” The Cures Act defines “information blocking” broadly as a “practice that . . . is likely to interfere with, prevent, or materially discourage access, exchange or use of electronic health information” if that practice is known by a developer, exchange, network, or ...
In Makinen v. City of New York, New York’s Court of Appeals held the New York City Human Rights Law precludes an individual from bringing a claim of disability discrimination based on a mistaken perception of untreated alcoholism.
The question arose in a case brought by police officers against the City of New York and certain individuals alleging discrimination based on the mistaken perception that the plaintiffs were alcoholics. The plaintiffs had been referred to an internal counseling service and directed to undergo treatment even though neither plaintiff had been diagnosed ...
There has been a growing trend of strategic joint ventures throughout the healthcare industry with the goal of enhancing expertise, accessing financial resources, gaining efficiencies, and improving performance in the changing environment. This includes, for example, hospital-hospital joint ventures, hospital-payor joint ventures, and hospital joint ventures with various ancillary providers (e.g., ambulatory surgery, imaging, home health, physical therapy, behavioral health, etc.). Extra precautions need to be taken in joint ventures between tax-exempt entities ...
Perspectives on Health Care and Life Sciences advisory by Bob Atlas, President of EBG Advisors, Inc.
Following is an excerpt:
The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have both passed their tax reform bills and will now confer toward creating a unified bill that both chambers can support, and that President Trump will sign. The two bills differ in some key respects, but their implications for health care are already rather clear. Some aspects of the legislation explicitly touch health care, while other effects would be indirect. Overall, it appears that most of the changes would ...
The National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) - passed in late 2016 - provides numerous changes to military health care. One of the changes, NDAA Sec. 706, establishes the Military-Civilian Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems – a sweeping new change for the Defense Health Agency (“DHA”) and the Military Treatment Facilities (“MTFs”) to provide health care services for non-active duty beneficiaries through partnerships with the private sector.
These private sector partnerships require the Secretary of Defense by January 1, 2018, to enter into Memoranda ...
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (“MedPAC”) met in Washington, DC on November 2-3, 2017. The purpose of this and other public meetings of MedPAC is for the commissioners to review the issues and challenges facing the Medicare program and then make policy recommendations to Congress. MedPAC issues these recommendations in two annual reports, one in March and another in June. MedPAC’s meetings can provide valuable insight into the state of Medicare, the direction of the program moving forward, and the content of MedPAC’s next report to Congress.
As thought leaders ...
In response to Republicans' failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Trump Administration is using administrative action to modify the ACA and health insurance options for Americans. On October 12, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order that instructs various departments to consider regulations related to association health plans and short-term insurance. Shortly after, the Administration announced that they would no longer make cost sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurers on the Exchanges. Section 1402 of the ACA requires insurance companies to ...
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