A new year brings about new legislation. Given the recent trend of health care transactions coming under increased scrutiny at the state level, EBG has released its map summarizing states that already have laws regulating health care transactions. As legislatures reconvene around the country, there continues to be regulatory scrutiny of health care transactions and private equity investment in health care. Below is a brief summary of recently proposed legislation.
On February 12, 2025, the California Senate introduced SB 351, which is remarkably similar to AB 3129, a bill the EBG team wrote about extensively in 2024 and that Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed in September 2024. The proposed legislation has three key components: (i) it adds new defined terms, including “hedge fund” and “private equity group,” in an attempt to capture all parties involved with Management Service Organizations (“MSOs”) and Dental Service Organizations (“DSOs”); (ii) it provides a list of prohibitions for any “private equity group” or “hedge fund” that is “involved in any manner with a physician or dental practice doing business in the state; and (iii) it contains a provision that restates existing California law on restrictive covenants and California’s prohibition on restrictions barring a provider from competing with a practice in the event of termination or resignation. Whether this bill advances and is ultimately signed remains unclear. EBG is actively monitoring this legislation.
From our Thought Leaders in Health Law video series: In today's complex and rapidly evolving health care landscape, navigating the path of expanding or selling a business requires a nuanced understanding of the intricate state and federal regulatory frameworks.
With states increasingly imposing legislative oversight to safeguard competition, care access, and quality, it's crucial for health care providers, private equity firms, and management organizations to have a strategic partner adept at handling these challenges.
States are imposing prior approval or prior review legislation to allow for more visibility regarding proposed transactions. Much of the legislation seeks to increase oversight of health care entity relationships with management companies and private equity firms.
What does this mean for you?
New from the Diagnosing Health Care Podcast: The game has changed—are you positioned to adapt? Over the past 12 months, the federal government has been heavily regulating private investment in health care entities.
Simultaneously, multiple states have enacted or introduced new laws restricting or requiring approval of such investments. The question arises: What do you do if you already have investments in these health care entities?
On this episode, Leslie Norwalk, Strategic Counsel at Epstein Becker Green (EBG), joins EBG attorneys Josh Freemire, Tim Murphy, and Ted Kennedy, Jr., to discuss how health care entities, investors, and board members should be responding to an evolving political and regulatory environment that has increased the scrutiny of private investment in health care entities.
Recently, the California Legislature made a series of major revisions to Assembly Bill 3129 (“AB 3129” or “the Bill”), a highly anticipated piece of legislation expected to have a substantial impact on transactions in California’s healthcare space. Although Epstein Becker Green has previously discussed the Bill (see original post here, as well as a first update here), this blog post will discuss the legislature’s most recent revisions on June 19 and June 27.
Why Assembly Bill 3129 Was Introduced
The Bill was introduced by Assembly Member Wood and is supported by Attorney General Bonta in response to growing concerns about the increasing involvement of private equity and hedge funds in California’s healthcare sector. As private equity firms have increasingly acquired healthcare facilities and provider groups, California’s legislature wants to strengthen oversight to ensure that these transactions are conducted in a transparent manner that protects patients, ensures access, and preserves affordability.
What the Bill Will Do
AB 3129 seeks to address these concerns by requiring private equity groups and hedge funds to provide written notice to, and obtain the written consent of, the Attorney General before engaging in any change of control or acquisition involving healthcare facilities, provider groups, or nonphysician providers. This includes changes of control, acquisitions, or agreements that may impact healthcare services or access.
Distressed businesses are often compared to melting ice cubes or an aircraft in rapid descent. The goal for a distressed business is to get to a transaction before the ice cube melts or the aircraft and ground meet at an unsurvivable speed. New state laws modeled after the federal Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act now require, or will soon require, parties to provide notice of certain health care transactions to state regulators creating additional hurdles for distressed healthcare businesses.
State governments are increasingly entering the field of health care market oversight and enforcement. In what was once an issue typically left to the federal government, state governments are looking for ways to regulate market activity in the health care industry as a way to stem increases in health care costs. Late May brought yet another example of what the future may offer in this regard.
In this episode of the Diagnosing Health Care Podcast: After nearly two years of combined efforts from the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, the agencies jointly issued much-anticipated merger guidelines identifying the procedures and enforcement practices they will apply for evaluating potential mergers.
What might these changes mean for hospitals, health systems, and other stakeholders in the health care industry?
On this episode, Epstein Becker Green attorneys Trish Wagner, John Steren, Jeremy Morris, and Dan Fahey discuss some of the key changes in the finalized antitrust merger guidelines and what these guidelines mean for the agencies' approach to enforcement.
On March 13, 2024, Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb signed Senate Enrolled Act No. 9 (“SEA 9”) which will amend the Indiana Code with respect to notice of health care entity mergers and acquisitions.
The measure, effective July 1, 2024, adds a new Chapter 8.5 to the Indiana Code providing in Section 4(a) that “[a]n Indiana health care entity that is involved in a merger or acquisition with another health care entity with total assets, including combined entities and holdings, of at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000) shall, at least ninety (90) days prior to the merger or ...
On February 28, 2024, bipartisan legislation was introduced in the Connecticut General Assembly by the State Senate and House of Representatives that would require the executive director of the Office of Health Strategy to develop a plan concerning private equity firms acquiring or holding an ownership interest in health care facilities in the state.
Raised HB 5319, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Gordon (R) and Sen. Saud Anwar (D), was referred to the state’s Joint Committee on Public Health. A public hearing was held on March 6.
This legislation, and related bills around the country, are ...
On February 22, 2024, legislation was introduced in Minnesota’s House of Representatives that would prohibit private equity companies or real estate investment trusts (REITs) from acquiring or increasing any direct or indirect ownership interest those entities have in a health care provider after August 1, 2024.
H.F. No. 4206, authored by state Rep. Jessica Hanson and referred to the Commerce, Finance, and Policy Committee, would also prohibit private equity or REITs from acquiring or increasing any operational or financial control those entities have over a provider, after ...
As our December 2023 Insight noted, California’s SB 184 (enacted in June 2022) and accompanying regulations contain pre-transaction notice requirements by “specified health care entities” for certain “material change transactions” involving the provision of “health care services” in the state. SB 184, which takes effect on April 1, 2024, also established a state Office of Health Care Accountability.
While many transactions involving health care entities will already face the notice requirements of SB 184, AB 3129, introduced by California Assembly Member ...
Oregon’s Proposed HB 4130, which passed the Oregon House of Representatives on February 22, 2024, was at the desk of the Senate president when the 82nd Legislative Assembly adjourned sine die on March 7, 2024, thereby ending this legislation for this year. HB 4130 would have severely limited non-professional businesses from owning or controlling health-related entities through commonly used management models and, therefore, would greatly reduce physicians from seeking non-professional investors.
For those opposing the measure, the victory may only be temporary. The ...
An increasing number of states are requiring advance notice of health care transactions. These requirements may delay transactions or result in confidential information becoming accessible to the public. Effective August 1, 2023, New York[1] enacted legislation that requires health care entities involved in material transaction(s) to provide written notice to the New York Department of Health at least 30 days prior to the closing of the transaction. In enacting the legislation, New York joined Connecticut[2], Massachusetts[3], Nevada[4], Oregon[5], Rhode Island[6], and ...
Due diligence is a standard phase of any corporate transaction, whether structured as an asset or stock sale or joint venture, and sellers are often surprised, and even overwhelmed, by the comprehensiveness of the diligence investigation. Preparing prior to soliciting bids or looking for a buyer can ease the burden of diligence and allow the seller to focus on other areas of the transaction, such as negotiating important terms and documents.
New York recently enacted new legislation that will amend Article 45-A of the New York Public Health Law, entitled “Disclosure of Material Transactions”. Although the legislation, as enacted, contains no description of legislative intent, the budget bill language originally proposed referenced concerns with the “proliferation of large physician practices being managed by entities that are investor-backed” (e.g., private equity platforms) and which are otherwise unregulated by the state outside of the licensure of the individual practitioners.
Effective August 1, 2023, the new legislation requires thirty (30) days advance notice to the New York State Department of Health (“Department”) of any “material transactions” involving “health care entities” that provide administrative or management services for physician practices, provider-sponsored organizations, health insurance plans, “or any other kind of health care facility, organization, or plan providing health care services. . . .”
In this episode of the Diagnosing Health Care Podcast: Like the diversity of the industry itself, merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions in health care take many forms, varying in size and complexity.
While buyers tend to focus on several things as part of those transactions, securing key employees post-closing is an important but sometimes overlooked issue.
What are some important factors to consider when entering a transaction in a human capital-intensive industry like health care?
In this episode of the Diagnosing Health Care Podcast: The Federal Reserve’s steady increase of interest rates and the slowed economic growth have increased fiscal pressure on health care providers, leaving many to look for ways to bridge budget shortfalls through injections of capital, asset sales, or other strategic transactions.
What options are there for providers moving forward?
Did you know that your zip code is a better predictor of your health than your genetic code? Public health experts – and your health insurance provider – have long known that the air you breath, the education you receive, your net worth, and even the music that you listen to are strong indicators of your overall health – and the possibility that you might need expensive medical procedures in the future. By some measures, up to 50% of your overall health is determined by social, economic, and environmental factors. As the movement to value-based payment continues in health care, there ...
Tuesday’s decision by Judge Richard Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia categorically approving the merger of AT&T and Time Warner, without imposing any conditions or limitations and rejecting granting a stay for appeal purposes, will, unless blocked if there is an appeal, open the way for a series of pending vertical merger deals.
A “vertical merger” is a merger of two companies that do not compete and that are at different levels of the product or service-provision process. Such mergers do not reduce the number of competitors in a given market and, by ...
The pace of health care transactions is robust, purchase price multiples are increasing, and many health care businesses are taking advantage of a sellers’ market. Recently, our clients have increasingly turned to representation and warranty (“R&W”) insurance, finding a market more amenable to the nuances of health care deals than in the past. In the right deal, R&W insurance can limit risk to both seller and buyer and increase value to a seller by allowing for “walk-away” or “naked” deals. R&W insurance may also be used as a tool by a buyer to increase the ...
There has been a growing trend of strategic joint ventures throughout the healthcare industry with the goal of enhancing expertise, accessing financial resources, gaining efficiencies, and improving performance in the changing environment. This includes, for example, hospital-hospital joint ventures, hospital-payor joint ventures, and hospital joint ventures with various ancillary providers (e.g., ambulatory surgery, imaging, home health, physical therapy, behavioral health, etc.). Extra precautions need to be taken in joint ventures between tax-exempt entities ...
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