On December 14, 2018 the Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) formally issued a Request For Information (“RFI”) seeking public input on “ways to modify the HIPAA Rules to remove regulatory obstacles and decrease regulatory burdens in order to facilitate efficient care coordination and/or case management and to promote the transformation to value-based healthcare, while preserving the privacy and security of PHI.” OCR is seeking comments for a series of 54 different specific questions (many with additional subparts ...
by Lynn Shapiro Snyder, Shawn M. Gilman, Adam C. Solander, and Constance A. Wilkinson
On June 16, 2011, the Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) released the Request for Information (“RFI”) regarding Section 1334 of the Affordable Care Act, which requires OPM to contract with health insurers to offer multi-state qualified health plans (“MSQHPs”). The purpose of the RFI is to provide OPM with information that will allow it to better understand the “interests and capabilities” of health insurance issuers that will offer MSQHPs through Health Insurance ...
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