California’s legislature recently passed AB 3129, and it is awaiting Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature. While AB 3129 impacts several different provider types, this article focuses on its impact on Management Service Organizations (MSOs) and Physician Practice Management Companies (PPMCs) as the historically accepted structure for purposes of complying with the prohibitions on the corporate practice of medicine (CPOM). In its initial drafts, AB 3129 seemed highly focused on MSOs and the Friendly PC models for PPMs in the state.
While much of the early language regarding MSOs seems to have been shed from the bill, some ambiguity remains regarding whether, and in what contexts, sponsored MSOs will need to give pre-transaction notice to, or obtain the consent of, the California Attorney General (AG). A later section of the bill highlights what will likely be CPOM enforcement priorities and is worth the close attention of all MSOs operating in the state.
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