On February 9, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (“BBA”). Among the most notable changes that will occur with the enactment of the BBA is the inclusion of certain provisions taken from the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (“CHRONIC”) Care Act of 2017 bill (S.870) which the Senate passed in September 2017. Among other things, the CHRONIC Care provisions will have the effect of redefining new criteria for special-needs plans (“SNPs”), in particular the special-needs Medicare Advantage ...
Epstein Becker Green's Lynn Shapiro Snyder, Senior Member of the Firm, and Tanya Vanderbilt Cramer, Of Counsel, will present "Accountable Care Organizations and Other Provider Risk Sharing Arrangements — a Legal and Regulatory Overview," a webinar hosted by Bloomberg BNA.
While the federal government has encouraged the growth of accountable care organizations (ACOs) through the Affordable Care Act, the regulation of ACOs and other provider risk sharing arrangements remains a patchwork of federal and state requirements that span many different areas of law. This ...
by René Y. Quashie and Lynn Shapiro Snyder
As the health care industry analyzes the recently released final rule and related guidance regarding the Medicare Shared Savings Program (“MSSP”) for accountable care organizations (“ACOs”), it is important for the industry to also pay attention to key deadlines related to initiatives being implemented by the Center for Medicare and Medicare Innovation (“CMMI” or “Innovation Center”) within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”).
While the MSSP ACO initiative is a permanent Medicare program, CMMI ...
by Ross K. Friedberg, Shawn M. Gilman, Mark E. Lutes, David E. Matyas, René Y. Quashie, Serra J. Schlanger, Carrie Valiant, Dale C. Van Demark, and Lesley R. Yeung
On October 20, 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") released its final rule ("Final Rule") implementing the voluntary Medicare Shared Savings Program ("Program") for accountable care organizations ("ACOs"). The Program was established by Section 3022 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Final Rule was released in conjunction with revised antitrust guidance from the Federal ...
Although there are some big issues that remain unresolved, such as the "public plan" component, it appears that we will see reform legislation pass in 2009. Drafts of the legislation are being prepared now by various members of Congress and their staffs.
The focus on medical homes, physician hospital organizations and accountable care organizations is very real, as is the focus on payment reform, including bundled payments and other forms of capitation-like reimbursement. A key element of the debate relates to "how integrated" a provider organization will need to be to qualify for ...
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